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1. Having to Pay Taxes
Putting off on getting started in real estate investing because you may have to pay taxes on the income you earn is perhaps the most ridiculous excuse of all. That?s like saying you wouldn?t accept $20 million if you won the lottery because you would owe taxes on it. For that matter why work at all?
2. The Market is Bad
There are more opportunities for flipping houses right now than ever before and homes are more affordable than they have ever been. Do you really want to wait until the top of the market to get in?
3. Too Busy
If you don?t make the switch to real estate investing now you will likely never have the freedom you crave. Certainly you can spare an hour a day to kick start your real estate investing in exchange for financial freedom and a lot more free time later?
4. No Cash
If you are short on cash now that is exactly why you need to be in real estate investing. From transactional funding to seller financing to private mortgage lenders there are endless ways to find the money you need to invest in real estate.
5. No Credit
None of the above methods of financing your real estate investing deals requires you to use your own credit.
6. You Don?t Know Where to Start
If you have never purchased a home before getting into real estate investing can seem a little daunting but with so many resources at your finger tips giving your real estate education a quick boost has never been easier.
7. It?s Too Risk
No investment is 100% without risk. However, the best strategies for flipping houses today can be almost risk free. What is really risky is sticking with a day job which may not exist in a year from now and certainly isn?t providing enough for you to build a huge nest egg for retirement.
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